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Thirty Barking Dogs + Zero Government Response = Three Years of Torment in Pearl, Mississippi

Barking Leaves Residents Sleepless

WLBT TV.Com - Jackson,Mississippi, USA
February 12, 2005 - Written by Gene Adams

A good night's sleep is hard to come by on one street in Pearl. The culprits are nearly 15 barking dogs, all in one yard. Neighbors say they are tired of the run around and want the city to take action.

Richland Avenue is home to many dog lovers, but neighbors say inside there are too many dogs inside one fence. Nearly 15 dogs call one Pearl yard home, and Jim Morris says for the past three years they haven't let him forget it.

"Barking, waking us up at night, getting out, running the streets," he said.

"They bark at every car that passes. They bark at any cat, squirrel, and animal that moves," added Clara Becnel.

Clara Becnel says her neighbors used to have 30 dogs. Some were killed last week in a house fire. The survivors and their owner, J.B. Hawthorne, moved here, two houses over. We spoke to Hawthorne, who is sick with cancer and did not want to appear on camera. He says he is no longer able to care for his animals and it's not just the neighbors who want the city to take the dogs. Even the owner of these dogs says he's ready to have them picked up, but so far nothing has been done.

Animal Control says they have received calls to pick up the dogs, but were trying to work with Hawthorne to resolve the situation. They say Hawthorne decided to give the dogs up last week. Animal Control said rain has delayed their plans to pick up the dogs over the past week. Neighbors say they have heard it all before, and want action taken now.

"Just like they told you, we'll be over next week to get them, but next week never comes," stated Morris.

For now, Morris and Becnel wait, in hopes that the next sunny day might bring peace and quiet. Pearl animal control says they have made arrangements with the Mississippi Animal Rescue League to take care of the dogs after they are picked up.

This page is part of the News of the Usual Legal Run-around,
which is a component of the Barking Dog News and