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Carlisle Bark Victim Resorts to Air Horn Therapy

Barking annoys neighbor

Carlisle Sentinel - Carlisle Pennsylvania (USA)
Written by By Tatiana Zarnowski - May 4, 2005

When her neighbor's dogs start barking, Linda Cheskey hauls out her air horn.

The blasts are the only thing that seem to subdue the frenzied barking of the dogs on McAllister Church Road, Cheskey told West Pennsboro Township supervisors Tuesday.

"Enough is enough," said Cheskey, who added she has called state police, the dog warden and the humane society, but no one can do anything about the barking.

The dogs bark for hours at a time, during the day and at night, she said.

Others hear them.

Township officials agreed the dogs are loud. Supervisor Richard Adler, who also lives on McAllister Church Road, said he can hear the dogs from his house. And township secretary Evelyn Swartz, who lives about half a mile away, can hear them, too.

But supervisors disagreed about what they can do about the problem.

While Adler and Supervisor John Epley said they would support a dog barking ordinance, Supervisor Walter Heine asked whether the barking could be covered in a broader nuisance ordinance, which the township also lacks.

Without a township police force, supervisors may be limited in what they can do, said Solicitor Don LeFever. He promised to look into whether there's a state dog ordinance the township could use.

Resident Bill Biega, whose two English bulldogs serve as mascots at Big Spring High School football games, asked supervisors how many barks would be allowed under such an ordinance.

"How are you going to enforce it? (Are) you going to shoot the dog?" he asked.

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