This Index for Persuading Your Neighbors is part of Section Two:
the Your Neighbor's Dog section of

How to Persuade Your Neighbors to Quiet Their Chronically Barking Dogs

Click here to read this article in its entirety, from beginning to end.

The exact same article linked to above is also presented below, broken down into seven separate pages to allow easy access to its component parts. To go directly to a particular part of the article, click on the desired link below:

Page One:
Classifying dog owners
Uninformed owners
Anonymous notes
When to go

Page Two:
What to say

Page Three:
Lazy and reluctant dog owners
Malicious and recalcitrant dog owners

Page Four:
The typical process and sequence of events

Page Five:
Making arrangements with malicious and recalcitrant owners

Page Six:
Dealing with the police

Page Seven:
The timing of your visits
The down side
Total nut jobs
Police escorts

This Index for Persuading Your Neighbors is part of Section Two:
the Your Neighbor's Dog section of