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Sound-Emitting Anti-Bark Collars

Sound-emitting anti-bark collars fit around your dog's neck like any other collar. However, unlike conventional collars, sound emitters respoond to your dog's every bark by releasing a high pitched tone that, at least in theory, he will find so irritating that it will prompt him to adopt a policy of remaining silent whenever the collar is attached.

Nonetheless, for a number of reasons, is less than enthusiastic about the notion of attempting to quiet a barking dog through that kind of device.

To begin with, for the vast majority of people, it is really not necessary to purchase a device of any kind, because it is not all that tough to simply bark train your dog. In addition, when you correct your dog with your hand, you convey to him that inappropriate barking is wrong. Punishment dispensed by a collar may make it apparent to the animal that barking results in unpleasant consequences, but only your personal intervention can make the dog understand that it is wrong and that you don't want him to do it.

Also, keep in mind that, even though your dog may fall quiet every time the device is placed on him, no anti-barking collar of any kind ever actually serves to bark train your dog. So you can bet that the minute the device is removed, the old barking habits will immediately remerge.

Besides, a lot of people have doubts about how well sound-emitting collars work, and there is little doubt that they are less effective than electronic collars. For that reason we do not recommend those products and have elected not to provide any links to retail outlets.

The Dog Science Network also sponsors a course in dog training, featuring a free workshop in canine
, as well as an advanced course in obedience training, street safety, and watchdog work.

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the Your Dog section of