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Sec Fifteen:
This page is part of Section Fifteen: the Kitchen Sink section of
Expressions of Gratitude Many thanks to Margo Axsom, Ph.D., whose google-fu is strong. Her editing skills, computer expertise, and unflagging support made this website possible. Clearly, without Margo there would be no
We are proud to welcome Merrill Joan Gerber, M.A., to the Barking Dogs family, where she is working to diminish the barking epidemic by answering email and serving as the editor of the Barking Dogs Forum. Merrill is a prize-winning novelist and short story writer who has published seven novels - among them King Of The World, which won the Pushcart Press Editor's Book Award for an "important and unusual book of literary distinction," and The Kingdom of Brooklyn, winner of the Ribalow Award from Hadassah Magazine for "the best English-language book of fiction on a Jewish theme" - as well as five volumes of short stories, nine young adult novels, and three books of non-fiction. Her short stories have appeared in The New Yorker, The Atlantic, Mademoiselle, Redbook and many other magazines, as well as in literary journals such as The Sewanee Review, Prairie Schooner, The Southwest Review, Shenandoah, The Chattahoochee Review and The Virginia Quarterly Review. Her story, "I Don't Believe This," won an O. Henry Prize Award in l986. She has published essays in The American Scholar, Commentary, The Sewanee Review, Salmagundi and The Writer. She earned her M.A. in English from Brandeis University and was awarded a Wallace Stegner Fiction Fellowship to Stanford University. She presently teaches fiction writing at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, California. Merrill can be contacted at
An expression of appreciation to Craig Mixon, Ed.D. Dr. Mixon is an educational psychologist and an expert in behavior modification who, among other things, specializes in canine behavior and issues related to animal control reform. He is the originator and primary author of,, and New Animal, and serves as the coordinator and central figure that keeps those websites up and running. He can be contacted at
A giant expression of gratitude to a brilliant linguist who volunteered to translate this website into Spanish and, thereby, gave life to our sister site, Although she prefers to remain anonymous in this space, we feel compelled to thank her, nonetheless, for her great generosity of spirit and her enormous contribution.
Special thanks to Barbara Shelby, BS , for her pioneering work in which she taught us how to use the Freedom of Information Act to expose government corruption and deceit in the writing and the execution of our bogus "anti-barking" laws that, in reality, serve only to legalize chronic barking at the expense of the public health. She also founded and now oversees our Barking Dogs Yahoo group. Barbara lives in St Petersburg, Florida (USA). She earned her bachelor's degree in Legal Studies and graduated summa cum laude from Florida Gulf Coast University. She is a member of Golden Key International Honor Society and she was nominated and selected for The National Dean's List (2005) and Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges (2005). We are proud to count her as one of our own. She can be reached at
Thanks also to Katherine Villyard, whose technical expertise, patience, and kindness keep us moving forward. In addition to her work with us, Katherine is also a talented author.
This page is part of Section Fifteen: |
Written by Craig
Mixon, Ed.D.,
Spanish translation - Traducción al español
This website and all its content, except where otherwise noted, are © (copyright) Craig
Mixon, Ed.D., 2003-2025.