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Chula Vista, California Man Shoots Three Neighbors to Death Over Barking Dog

Written by Craig Mixon, Webmaster - November 14, 2004

According to a synopsis found on the URL incorporated into the link above, on or about February 17 of 1982, a Chula Vista man murdered three of his neighbors in a confrontation over a barking dog. The shooting occurred in the Mountain View Mobile Lodge Trailer Park, located at 1148 Third Avenue. Dead in the incident were Gloria DeCastro, 62, Cesar Escutia, 36, and Monique Gerard, 23.

In his first trial, in November of 1984, the shooter, Alys Edmund McNair, 57, was sentenced to 45 years to life. In May of 1986, McNair was once again given the same sentence after a new trial questioning his sanity.

This page is part of the Violence in the News,
which is a component of the Barking Dog News and